Monday, October 1, 2012


Chapter 4

I just love this first paragraph:
(v 1 - 6)1Looking too deeply for the meaning of symbolism is an activity of the thinking mind. 2Analyzing details and searching for meaning is asking the ego to explain images to you.  P. 466
Here I am spending my time and energy trying to figure something out, and missing the show. It’s like I find a ticket to Cirque de Soilet in my pocket and instead of watching the show I soend all my time womveringhow the ticket got there. And at theend of the show I still don’t have an answer, but I missed the whole thing.

This lesson is even more powerful for me since I found some of the language in this chapter quite confusing, and spent a good bit of time trying to figure it out and understand it.
After I wrestled with the material for awhile what finally came to me was that I could analyze all the diffent little pieces of illusion, but they would still be illusion. 
Anything that seems to tell me I am separate from God, or Truth or Love, is an illusion and needs to be let go of--that’s my ticket--

(14_22) v.3 But when you have left these beliefs behind as tiny wisps of air that are not noticed, you shall see the world differently. From chapter 3 P.466


Chapter 3

The Message here is “Wake Up!” But as I mentioned before it is not about waking up and being frightened or guilty. I is about waking up to the Truth you already know: you are theSon of the God, the Christ. The Prodigal Son never left home(only in his mind, because you can never leave the Father’s unconditional love--you can pretend, you can forget, but that does not detract from Truth that IS.

There is a great line in this chapter about thinking that you are the “greatest sinner of all time.” I was reminded of that old definition of an alcoholic--an egomaniac with an inferiority complex.”

I really get tweeked when I read passages such as v. 11-13 telling me that  joy, peace, etc. are right around the corner. When I here messages like that I find myself waiting for something to happen. OK, God, I’ ready for the joy now, and then nothing happens. What I miss is that this is not a passive trip, there is work to be done. 
In its simplest form the work is described in (14_22) v.3 But when you have left these beliefs behind as tiny wisps of air that are not noticed, you shall see the world differently. P.466


Revelations Chapter 2
 The beginning of this chapter reminded me of that beautiful quote from Augustine, “You have made our hearts restless, and they will never rest until they rest in Thee.”

When confusion hits, know it is the ego that is confused, not You.
“Do not hate the voice. Simply do not follow it.” Tell it, Thank you for sharing and then open yourself to Divine guidance.
  1. 8-11 remind me that “in my defenselessness my safety lies.” (ACIM)

  1. 12-13 is great wisdom in dealing with darkness.
You might also want to check out:
Mark 1(43-45); Romans 1(18-32) 1-8; and 2 Thessalonians 2(1-4)

Fear and Guilt go hand in hand, although neither on is the truth they can grab us because we are so used to experiencing those two demons.

We are encouraged to stare them down, as the lies that they are in the powerful presence of God, and let them dissolve away.


Reflections:           NTI  Revelations    Chapter 1

The old/New Testament book of Revelations was formerly known as the Book of the Apocalypse(meaning The End of the World, Final Judgment, and all those other things). Coming at the end of the New Testament, I always felt as if it was a very definite warning to get your act together because you “did not know the day or the hour.” It did not seem as if anyone was safe.
Even beginning with chapter , the Lord says some good things about a particular church, but then slams them with what they are doing wrong--again, “you better get it together, NOW!”
There is a good bit of fear and trembling here. I often wondered where did the God of Love go to?

In NTI we are also reminded that the time has come, but in a much more gentle loving way. The time has come to claim your inheritance as the Son of God, because you are now aware of this truth. You are Home, or at least you are beginning to know the truth of that. 

It is all a question of what I am identifying with---my ego, my attachments, who I think I am, my past, my fears or my True identity--which is beyond all “I” thinking.

Reflections on v. 1-8
You already know you are more than your body, mind and emotions. Why do you keep identifying with them? This identification and attachment keep you in false perception.

All my thoughts keep shouting, “look at me; I’m real!”

The Truth of who you are is not to be grasped by the intellect, the thinking mind(or as Marianne Williamson calls it, “the mortal mind.”)

Buddha’s reflection on the Golden Rule--”See yourself in others, who then shall you harm.”

My mind still wants an answer, still wants to explain everything. Here is where I get trapped so often.
I want to think/believe that I have some purpose, but that’s the catch, ultimately, there is no “I”
I would also like to explain and understand why we got here, how this whole thing got started. 
Buddha suggested, “It’s none of your business.”

The most consoling message for me is, “You are not alone.” in all your confusion, and even self-doubt and other struggles, You are not alone.

If I could only remember that I would probably struggle much less.