Tuesday, December 13, 2011


After all the chatter, all the books, all the workshops, the simple task, the ultimate yearning of our hearts is to be back Home, to be in the Oneness, to live in the continual state of knowing we are unconditionally loved.
Even though I am continually being bowled over by the loving and insightful messages of The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament. I need to be aware that this book, too, is just a symbol.
It’s power lies not in what it says so much, but in reminding us of the Truth that we already know.
And, now, here is the ultimate paradox, to be able to pray as Emily Cadie* did, “God, I don’t know the answer, You do, show me.” 
You see, “I” know, but that is still the individual “I” speaking. To know with clarity, to touch and be embraced by Divine Truth, “I” must be no longer (or at least irrelevant). To know Oneness with the Father there can be nothing in the way, not a hint of judgment or separateness.
How can “I” possibly do that? I can’t---but God can. This, again, is surrender. Letting go of knowing (or thinking that I know). Letting go of my attachment to all the methods of enlightenment I have collected over the years. 
It is ultimate, complete surrender. As 12 Step recovery recommends,
“I can’t; God can; I think I will let Him.” I would even amend that a bit. Rather than saying, “I think I will let Him,” I would rather pray, “I am open and willing to be guided to Your Truth. I do not know the way or the method. Please guide me, and aid me with the grace to follow.”
Notice that our learning is changing. Blame, guilt, fear, sin and making mistakes are exchanged for gentleness, understanding, choice, and asking for help.
We are becoming more and more aware of our Higher consciousness which observes our little self doing whatever it is doing. Instead of getting wrapped up in the drama, we begin to lovingly ask for guidance from the Spirit (which is our true self) and we move forward with grace. 
Instead of letting our little self, who we thought we were, run the whole show, we realize we are more than that, and we can make choices accordingly. 
The more we surrender, the more we become who we are.
*Lessons in Truth

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

NTI Sunday 12/4/11

Discussing the 1st phase outlined in Acts (chapters 19-23)

Our willingness is expressed through our acts  of study, prayer, etc.
Throughout all this activity, the Holy Spirit is loosening the knots of our attachments, false ideas, beliefs, etc.
It is not our “work” so much as it is our willingness that allows this loosening to take place.
The question came up, as it does many times, “What started this whole thing?” “How did I create such a mess?”
 And, of course our answer goes back to the moment when from “a tiny mad idea” we asked the question, “I wonder what it would e like to be separate?” We are still living in that ancient moment.
I think the point here is not to try to understand all that, but to recognize that today we are drawn to the Truth. We want the Peace of God, we want the experience of wholeness. We are willing to experience the Truth of who we are----the One Son of God.
What about when we “see” disease, physical imperfection? What do we do with that?
We were reminded of an incident in Jesus life (from the Old New Testament John 9: 1-12, and summarized in NTI John 9 (1-12)[the rest of this chapter in NTI speaks of “spiritual blindness.”]
The man born blind. “Who has sinned, this man or his parents….” Jesus replied, “His blindness has nothing to do with his sins or his parents sins. He is blind so that God’s power might be seen at work in him.” Put into the language of NTI, there is no focus on sin, but Jesus’ ability to see Oneness, no disease, no imperfection, just Oneness and Wholeness.
Now how do we practically apply that? Suppose we see someone we perceive as sick, what do we do with that? Well, we could pray that we are able to see them/him/her as whole, but 
1) we are still looking at them and ourselves as separate and
  1. we are still seeing the other(and sometimes ourselves) as “something wrong.”
There are two prayers from Acts that offer corrections for this kind of thinking.
Acts 1( 7-10) Therefore, pray in this way: Father, I do not know what is best for me now, in this time and this place, that I may be led back to You. Because I cannot see the path I am ready to walk, take my hand and send me your Voice to guide me. 1I shall go where it asks me to go, and I shall do as it asks me to do in joy and peace and certainty. P. 216
Acts 4(10-14) Oh Father, I come to you now in humility and gratitude. I am humble, because I realize that I do not know how to see. I cannot see the Holy Spirit’ s plan, and so I do not know what I look upon. But I also come in gratitude, because I trust that the Holy Spirit does know, and the plan is safe with Him as the overseer of all things. Amen.. p221-2
Introducing the 2nd phase: Loosening continues, but now in a more conscious way. We become aware of the the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, etc. which have reinforced illusion, and we become aware we have a choice of what we think, hold onto, etc.

Monday, November 28, 2011

11/27/11 PHASE 4 1 CORINTHIANS 15

If it seems we get off the subject occasionally that is merely an illusion. No matter how many different angles we use to approach it, there is only One subject, and that One subject is YOU/ME. There is only One of us here, so there is only One purpose, to know Truth.
We began looking at the end chapters of 1 Corinthians. Chapter 15 devotes itself to “the fourth and final earthly phase of the path of truth with Me.” (3-11)5
The first three phases are described in Acts chapters 19-21. 
              BRIEF SUMMARY
1)The Search  please read/reread all of Chapter 19
                       A key here is willingness
Much of the work here is performed by the Holy Spirit within our unconscious through our willingness. The work is the loosening of our mind from false beliefs/attachments.
2)Loosening/Letting Go  Please read/reread Chapter 20&21
Now we have willingness combined with choice
At this stage as the Holy Spirit’s work continues, we are now more consciously involved in the process, making guided choices on what thoughts we no longer want to keep or hold onto.
We are continually reminded during this process that we are not doing this work alone. We are always being lovingly guided. This is especially true, since as we cleanse and heal, some of our supposed negativity will seem to feel worse instead of better. See Chapter 20(13-24) 12-16; (25-31); (32-38); Chapter 21(1-6) 5-7.
In this stage we are challenged to embrace our experiences as our own creation, allow ourselves to learn whatever it is we intended to learn, and then release them and let them go. 
Know that you create and have an experience, but that is not who you are. 
See John 8(48-59) 9-10  “You experience that which you ask. Does that not tell you that you are beyond your experience?” And Galatians 5 (1) 1-6.
3)Guidance or Service  Chapter 23
    Willingness, choice and action
    From this stage emerges the willingness to see, to put self-will aside, knowing always that the answers are within. (I think this stage would be similar to what spiritual teachers call The Practice of the Presence of God.  Truly seeing God in all things and being open to God’s loving guidance always. Notice what is happening here. I give up my will in order to flow with God’s Will, and as my little will is ignored, there becomes only One Will, God’s/Mine.)

    The fourth stage described in 1 Corinthians 15.
    And Chapter 15 begins with “Let me remind you of the simplicity of what I request….I ask you to lay down willingly everything but your trust.”
    To be honest when I read over phase four it seemed to be so out of my reach, so beyond my usual experience of life that I thought I was reading a fairy story. I heard myself saying to myself, “Yeah, right” and although I knew that was the ego talking I was still aware of how far away I felt from the reality described in Chapter 15. 
    The kind of thinking I fell into is a trap, a trap of judgment, comparison, unworthiness, and belief in my own false limited perception of myself.
    Although NTI describes these aspects of the path as “stages or phases” in our development, they are more a statement of our “unlearning” or our letting go of the ideas of what we are not, so that we can see and know who we truly are. 
    We go through these stages, or we think we have to go through these stages because we still perceive ourselves in a limited way.
    (But the stages are necessary within our limited perception see Acts Chapter 7 
    My limited vision is described in Acts 4(1-22) 1-5:
    “I have told you before that you will be tempted to deny your guidance. And I have told you where this temptation will come from. It is resistance born of a sense of unworthiness. I have also told you where this sense of unworthiness comes from. It is born of guilt, born of the belief that you have stolen yourself from God.”
    Just read over the fourth earthly phase in 1 Corinthians 15(12-19).
    Instead of dismissing it as being impossible or saying to yourself, “I am so far away from that” stop for a moment, and as you read that passage, listen to the yearning of your heart, listen to your heart as it reminds you of the truth of this passage. Know that the yearning of your heart is not a wish for something, but a reminder of what is True.
    How could you yearn for this fourth phase unless you already knew the truth of it? 
    We yearn to be free because we know we already are.
    the task we are asked to take on today is, “Are you willing to be 100% responsible for the healing of the One Son of God?”

    Monday, November 21, 2011

    Sunday 11/20/11 THE ENERGY OF WILLINGNESS Galatians Chapter 5

    We have been encouraging ourselves and everyone else to work with feeling our feelings and fully experiencing our experiences(all of which we have asked for and created). 
    Jack reminded us that we are all asked to join in the prayer/vision to see ourselves and everyone else as whole, perfect and complete.  We do not look at ourselves as sick and needing healing, that simply gives energy to  the false idea of sickness. We affirm, as Jesus did, our wholeness, our perfection, our Oneness. And as we hold Jack and all our Brothers ands Sisters in that Truth, we hold ourselves there as well, for that wholeness, perfection, and Oneness must be our Truth also.
    Before we get into Chapter 5 I wanted to share one of my favorite passages:
    Galatians, Chapter 3  (v 6 – 9)Let Me tell you what I see when I look at you. I see faith and willingness and love. I see a heart that is so strong, not even the heavens of your universe can contain it. I see a mind that is awakening to its own Heart. I see gentleness through awakening, and I am grateful to have come to welcome you back unto your truth.
    The major theme we wanted to explore today is THE ENERGY OF WILLINGNESS. We wanted to go deeper than seeing willingness as simply an idea or a wish. It is an energy. In essence, it is the energy of creation.

    Notice the difference between wanting and being willing. We discovered that willingness has a quality of openness to it. It is a surrender and letting go, and at the same time the realization that we are tapping into the Source of unlimited energy.
    From Galatians 5(2-6) 4-5 
    “But if you will focus your willingness on the part of your mind that wants the truth above everything else, you will find that willingness will grow. And with it, joy will expand within your conscious awareness.”
    Notice how it feels inside you to focus on your willingness. It is as if your willingness is showing you not what you want so much as Something that already IS.
    (7-12) 4-5 “I have asked you to focus on your willingness, and I have told you that willingness is Light in the mind. You will know this is true when you focus on that willingness, for it will give you the feelings of Light.”
    Here is a brief overview of our journey{
    (7-12) 6-12 In the beginning of your acceptance you see yourself as an individual, separate from everything, within a very real world. And yet, you call for love. That call is your willingness, eager to be reunited with Itself in awareness. That call, being a spark ofLight, is your link to your Source. Therefore, it comes to you with all of the power and strength of the Source. You only need focus on it to become aware. Nothing else is needed.
    Please follow up by reading p. 334 from 13 “As you focus on your willingness…” to “Suddenly you are everything..”
    We would encourage you to continue to get a sense of the Energy of Willingness, how you can choose your focus and how that energy can guide you. 
    This last section towards the middle of the chapter is just beautiful. It lets us know that willingness is not just a wish or a desire, it is not based in the future about something that is going to happen or something we want to happen. No, willingness is about what already is NOW. The energy of Willingness opens us to the truth of who we are.

    Focus on your willingness as if it is your truth, because it is. 
    Focus on your willingness as if it holds the answer to all questions, because it does. 
    Focus on your willingness as if it is everything to everyone, because it is. 
    Focus on your own willingness.That is Love Alive within the world.
    For to know your willingness is to know God. 5To love your willingness is to love Him.
    Finally, be aware that from time to time(for me, quite often) I will lose sight of my willingness. I will become lost, distracted, self-righteous, closed, guarded, angry, tired, lonely, depressed. (What happens is I begin to identify with these states of mind and go into the dream where I think they are me!)
    (16-18)5-11You will be tempted to think with the world. In times of unknowing, you will think and act with the world. But your willingness is in action, and so you will see what you have done. Each moment of noticing is an opportunity for immediate repentance. Repentance is nothing more than remembering what you truly want and returning joyfully to the focus of your willingness. This is the dance of love. And the dance of love is the spreading of Light within a welcome mind.
    Next week we will be traveling back to finish Corinthians 1&2.

    Monday, November 14, 2011


    11/13/11      1 CORINTHIANS
    Thank you for staying with this one. It is a difficult lesson, but as we discovered today it is not all work and not all dark.
    We’ve been diving into some ideas that go much deeper than the old “creating your own reality” game and “The Secret.”
    In 1 Corinthians we are challenged to know that whatever it is we are experiencing, we have created, and we need to have the experience to move through it.
    Simply put you have to feel your feelings to let them go. 
    Unless I take responsibility for my thoughts and actions, I will never be able to have them corrected. I will continue to be victim to my own thoughts.
    Instead of taking that in a negative way, let us realize that all our experiences are meant to wake us up.
    Even psychologists will tell us of the toxicity of stuffing feelings. When feelings are denied or “unfinished” they just don’t disappear. They still have life and will be churning around within us until we bring them to the surface to be experienced and let go of. Meanwhile, as they remain denied and hidden, they can produce all kinds of other nasty symptoms such as depression, anxiety, acid reflux, sleep disturbances, just to name a few.
    Many of us have a backlog of what I call “unfinished feelings” from our early years. These must be felt/experienced to be released. This is part of becoming an empty shell.
    We also don’t want to create any more stuff either, so we allow ourselves to become aware whenever we are angry, fearful, etc. To recognize, accept, take ownership of those feelings and to let them go.
    As I mentioned before this does not have to be dramatic, sometimes just recognizing a feeling, owning it, and deciding it are useless to us, is enough to let ti go. (Please, note this is not the same as denial. Denial is our unwillingness to look at the feeling at all.)
    Mt 16 (5-12) 7-9 “Let your fear and doubt come into your mind that you may see it. But in faith, let it go. In this way, you choose where you will put your faith.”
    Deep within us are some feelings of which we are not even aware. Becoming an empty shell means allowing even those hidden things to come to the surface to be healed and released.
    The model of Jesus provides a beautiful example of this:
    Mk. 1 (v 43 – 45)1Not yet knowing where he was being led, the man of Jesus harbored some fear deep within his mind. 2During this time, he kept this fear hidden from himself. 3And so the Spirit led him down a useful and helpful path, that one day he may find the strength to face and lay down his fear.
    Here are a few more quotes from NTI:
    Romans 1 (v 18 – 32)1Within you, there is a wish. 2This wish is not within anyone else, although you would rather see it there. 3This wish is hidden deep within your mind, hidden by layers of smoke. 4Before we go together to look at this wish, there is something I want you to know. 5The wish is only a thought. 6It is nothing else at all. 7It can best be described as a curiosity that you wanted to explore. 8It is really nothing...nothing at all. 9I am very grateful that you have expressed your freedom and explored your wish. 10Now the curiosity can be let go. 11I am your guide as I show you what you have learned in a daydream within the mind. 12Join with Me in peace and detachment as we giggle at your thought in gratitude that it could be thought and let go.
    2 Thessalonians 2 (v 1 – 4)1Look now, deep within your mind and heart. 2We are looking for a false god that you have erected before your truth. 3This is a false image made of yourself through your own judgment that you could be that which is other than That Which you Are. 4We must raise this false being up from its hiding place, because it is from within hiding that it rules. 5Brought into the light of day, it cannot rule longer, because its falseness must be revealed.
    Whenever we have a thought of fear, anger, guilt or any other form of negativity we begin to realize all these thoughts arise from our sense of separateness (which by its nature generates fear and guilt). In the work of becoming an empty shell, we are allowing Spirit to lead us to the root that it may be finally dug up and we are released from all illusion.
    Mt 12 (v 43 - 45)1The thoughts you think are your evil doing, and so you may choose to let go of them. 2Let me tell you that it may not be that easy. 3For the belief that spawns the thoughts is like a deep root within you, and where you cut off its leaves, more will rise up to take their place. 4Be prepared to let go of many leaves, but know they will come back until the day you have rid yourself of their root. (v 46 - 50)1The belief in separateness and differences is the root you must let go. 2For if there is more than one Will, the truth is not true and death is all there is. 3Is this the final resting place of your faith? 4Or are you willing to put your faith in Life and Love and One?
    REMEMBER THIS: Whenever we have an error in thinking such as getting caught up in any sort of illusion--fear, guilt, shame, anger--that the Holy Spirit immediately creates a correction. If we are awake and aware we can always choose the correction over the illusion. 
    Darkness is simply the absence of light. It is nothing. Since light is everywhere and everything, darkness is an illusion. If I look deeply enough into the darkness, I will find Light. Looking deeply not only reveals what we need to let go of, but the deepest truth is also there: YOU ARE THE LIGHT, ALWAYS!
    2 Peter 2 (v 4 – 10)1The Light within your Heart is your truth. 2This is the star that is you. 3This is the seed that is at the root of all that you are. 4It is true that there also seems to be something else within you...something that does not seem to be light, but dark...something that feels like judgment and guilt. 5It is okay to let yourself be aware of this darkness. 6It is okay to stand within it for a moment and feel it. 7But then remember that I have taught you that the judgment comes only from you. 8Decide in that moment to choose to see your Self truly. 9Then reach within your mind, and turn on the Light.
    Rev. 2 (v 12, 13)1I want to look deep within you with you at the beliefs that you fear most. 2They are the ones you hide by denying them, but you deny them because you think they are true. 3If you knew they were false, you would let them go. 4I want to look at them with you so you may lean on My strength and see that they are false. 5You may feel your fear and let it go with a giggle, because the light of your own Heart shines brighter than darkness caused by confusion. 6When darkness is looked at beside the Light, it is the darkness that must fade away.
    We know that we are One and everything flows from that One.

    Thursday, November 10, 2011

    Becoming and Empty Shell with our Experiences and Feelings Pt.3

     Part 3
    All of our experiences/feelings of negativity come from our sense of separateness which also gives rise to guilt and fear, and whether we are conscious of it or not  these feelings interfere with our relationship with God.
    Our job in emptying ourselves, dying to our little self, or as Jesus put it, “Unless the grain of wheat fall to the ground and die unto itself, it shall not live.”---is to continually to look deeply and honestly within ourselves and with the help of the Spirit to root out all that seems to keep us separate.
    NTI Mt. 12(v 43 - 45) “1The thoughts you think are your evil doing, and so you may choose to let go of them. 2Let me tell you that it may not be that easy. 3For the belief that spawns the thoughts is like a deep root within you, and where you cut off its leaves, more will rise up to take their place. 4Be prepared to let go of many leaves, but know they will come back until the day you have rid yourself of their root. (v 46 - 50)1The belief in separateness and differences is the root you must let go. 2For if there is more than one Will, the truth is not true and death is all there is. 3Is this the final resting place of your faith? 4Or are you willing to put your faith in Life and Love and One? 5If you will put your faith in Me, I will lead you to the end of your root. 6There, shall you find the truth, and your truth will be you.”
    The ego can get in the way of our house cleaning using the tools of denial and projection. When we are experiencing anger, for instance, the directive in Corinthians is asking us to acknowledge the feeling as being our own, feeling it/experiencing it and letting it go (move upwards see 1 Cor. Chap 7)
    Again, this does not need to be big or dramatic.
    Even though we might be working at rooting out some deep seated feelings of guilt, fear, and shame let us also be aware that we also have within us a core of peace, love, and joy, the Truth of Spirit. Let us also remember that no matter what we have experienced in life, no matter how bad or horrible we felt about ourselves, that this core of Truth has always been stronger than the sense of separateness.
    In other words where we have known it or not, we have always known the truth we have always been in touch with it, we have always acknowledged it.
    SOME QUOTES FROM THE COURSE(from the Course in Miracles Society Original  Edition)
    “Yet what is it except a game you play in which identity can be denied? You are as God created you. All else but this one thing is folly to believe. In this one thought is everything set free. In this one truth are all illusions gone. In this one fact is sinlessness proclaimed to be forever part of everything, the central core of its existence, and its guarantee of immortality.” Lesson #191
    “You whose minds are darkened by doubt and guilt, remember this: God gave the Holy Spirit to you and gave Him the mission to remove all doubt and every trace of guilt that His dear Son has laid upon himself. It is impossible that this mission fail. Nothing can prevent what God would have accomplished from accomplishment. Whatever your reactions to the Holy Spirit’s Voice may be, whatever voice you choose to listen to, whatever strange thoughts may occur to you, God’s will is done. You will find the peace in which He has established you, because He does not change His Mind. He is invariable as the peace in which you dwell and of which the Holy Spirit reminds you.” Perception of Knowledge: Guarantee of Heaven 
    “Never approach the holy instant after you have tried to remove all fear and hatred from your mind. That is its function. Never attempt to overlook your guilt before you ask the Holy Spirit’s help. That is His function. Your part is only to offer Him a little willingness to let Him remove all fear and hatred and to be forgiven. On your little faith, joined with His understanding, He will build your part in the Atonement and make sure that you fulfill it easily. And with Him you will build a ladder planted in the solid rock of faith and rising even to Heaven. Nor will you use it to ascend to Heaven alone.”  Dream and Reality: The Happy Dream

    Becoming and Empty Shell with our Experiences and Feelings Pt.2

    It is my impression, and I state this emphatically, this is my interpretation: Many of the experiences referred to in 2 Timothy are what I like to call “unfinished feelings” they are feelings we have never dealt with, feelings we have stuffed because they were too scary or powerful to look at.
    Now even those involved with psychological health will tell us of the toxicity of unfinished feelings. They can produce all sorts of problems including depression, and physical illness.
    Again, simply on a psychological plain, there will be many times when bringing those deeply suppressed feelings to awareness will allow us to feel them and quickly let them go. The process begins by acknowledging our anger, fear, or hurt. We might cry, hold ourselves tightly, physically shake, yell, or scream to be able to feel the feelings and let them go.
    This is what often times happens in therapy, a 5th Step (for 12 steppers), the sacrament of confession (now called the Rite of Reconciliation), or in the presence of another loving human being. The event does not have to be dramatic, loud, or complicated.
    There are times when simply bringing a feeling to consciousness, acknowledging it, and owning it can be enough to produce the energy of letting it go.
    When we become more clear and aware, feelings and experiences can become much less “sticky.” For instance, if I were to bring to consciousness a childhood memory of deep hurt, it might be necessary for me to cry, rage, have someone else understand and empathize with me in order for me to experience it and let it go. (As a child, obviously, I experienced the hurt, but I never “finished” the experience. I never worked through it enough to release it, let it go and heal). 
    If I am aware of experiencing hurt today, I can first acknowledge the feeling, be aware that as real as it feels it is still a false perception (no one can do anything or take anything away from me; I am not being attacked, etc.). Then with the Holy Spirit release it upward. It’s done. It is only when I give the experience the “meaning of reality” that I have to deeply feel the feeling.
    Along with all that it is important to know that the Presence of Spirit is here with us, walking us through the whole process. 
    Acts 11(19-30) “The authority of the Holy Spirit is a great joy that fills your heart and leads you to do “the work of the Lord.” The work of the Lord is the work of the Holy Spirit, which means it does not come from you or any illusory authority. It comes directly from the authority of Spirit, and it is known in you by its joy and its authority. The Holy Spirit is within you because you have accepted it there. It is waiting in peace for the time in which you will invite it to come forth and be authority through you. It is an authority you will follow and you will be, that you may lead by its Word and be within your awareness.”
    Please remember, not only are we not alone in this process of emptying and healing, but the Spirit is working with us. What is called for here as well as many other places on the path is our willingness: our willingness to feel; our willingness to experience; our willingness to let go, to move through; and most of all, our willingness to know who we truly are. 
    Walking through the experiences we desired to have allows us to let go of the attachment to the feelings in and around that experience. Once the attachment is gone, the feeling is either meaningless or irrelevant. 
    We are not alone; we are always in the presence of Truth. There is nothing to be afraid of because there is nothing to fear.
    The end point of all our experiences is to lead us back to the realization of who we are, One with God.
    Some experiences will remind us of who we are not, others will reinforce the Truth.
    1Tim 4(1-5) “To love thy Self is to love all things and all circumstances, because you know all things and all circumstances come into being through God, which is all that is. Be grateful for the process that is God. In this way, you come to know within awareness that which is God, and you come to accept and love thy Self.”
    Remember that all circumstances come to you for your awakening, because you are the creative process that is God and awakening is the purpose you have chosen. Look at your circumstances and remember your purpose, while remembering who you are. Place your faith with your motive as you look. In this way, you will be grateful for all things and all circumstances, because you see them in the light of purpose. In this way, you shall always rejoice, because you know there is no cause that can lead you away from rejoicing. (v 9, 10) This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: All things work together for God, and the purpose of God is to Know thy Self
    I would also encourage you to read Luke 12. It gives a wonderful overview of much of this process.

    Becoming and Empty Shell with our Experiences and Feelings Pt.1

                           Becoming and Empty Shell with our Experiences and Feelings

    Whenever we encounter resistance and confusion it is usually a sign that we are bumping up against an important lesson. There is no right or wrong here, just the awareness that fear can take many forms, resistance and confusion being among them.

    Mk 9 (2-13) “Peace is a gift from our Lord,” Jesus explained. Fear is our resistance to this gift. Both acceptance and resistance are in your mind now, so you experience both peace and fear. But know this won’t continue forever, for only peace is forever. Fear must pass away. Continue the work the Father has given you. When fear seems to come upon you, fall to your knees and join in counsel with the Voice for our Lord. Give Him your fears and your willingness to continue in service of our Lord. Your fear will fade away. Then rise and continue your work. In this way, you find yourself on the path of healing with a mighty companion by your side.”

    Bear with me, as I am walking through this myself. This is truly a case of teaching what I want to learn; I simply want to be open to what the Holy Spirit has to teach me.

    Let us keep our focus on what it is we are after, the healing of the One Mind and with it Peace, Joy, Oneness with God. (I was going to say the experience of Peace, Joy, and Oneness, but when we truly embrace who we are we do not experience these qualities, we are these qualities.) 

    1 Cor 12(21-26) 2-6 "For everything works for the healing of one mind. There is no error, and there is no mistake. There isn’t one single flaw. There is only a mind listening to itself and recognizing which self is true. It is an awakening, a growing recognition, and it is perfect in every way."

    I believe we all entered this study with a knowing that we live with a sense of separateness with God and one another, and that we deeply desire to heal that sense of separateness. So let us also focus on our intention, and know the Spirit is holding our hand and walking us home.
    (Mt. 13(33)”it is through your choice, but not through your effort, that the kingdom of Heaven is given, for the kingdom of Heaven must be a gift given by the Father to you.”
    Acts 10(9-23)14-18 “He will reach out to you through His Holy Spirit, which is His appointed Messenger sent to you within your dreams. This Messenger, knowing who you think you are, will meet you there in your dreams and talk to you as if you are the one you think you are. But this one comes to you for only one purpose and with only one goal. His purpose is to awaken you by leading you from where you think you are to the remembrance of what you must be. This is a holy purpose, and He comes to you in gratitude, grateful to meet you in your dreams and grateful to bring you Home.”

    Let us start with the beginning (which I do not claim to fully understand). “A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the One Son of God had a tiny mad idea.”
    That idea can be expressed in many ways: “I wonder what would be like to experience separateness?” or “I wonder what it would be like to experience what cannot be?” or “I wonder what it would be like to experience everything different from what it is?”

    Now as the story goes, we became so captured  by our question that we immediately began to think of it as real. Because we thought that this “creation of separateness” was real, we began to experience guilt and fear. We then began to “think” that the guilt and fear were real and began to create a huge stage to play out that “reality.” (Have you ever witnessed a movie scene where a child is reading a book and all of a sudden they get sucked into it and become part of the story?)

    Here we are today knowing that, “there is something wrong with this picture.” We begin to be aware of the desire of our heart, as mentioned above---Peace, Joy, Oneness with God.
    We live with the faith that this yearning will be fulfilled. We also grow in awareness that this desire of our heart--peace, joy, oneness, has never gone away. The Truth has never not existed. We have just forgotten or have been lost in the dream of separateness.

    Here we are today, knowing that all the stuff we have learned earlier about separateness, unworthiness, guilt, etc. has all been untrue and needs to be let go of, but that does not happen just by “wishing” it were so.

    There is work to be done. The Course refers to the work as unlearning.
    NTI refers to the work as becoming an empty shell.
    We have been fairly clear about emptying the shell so far, but I think we got a little tangled in the working through experience part of things.

    Let’s explore this one, remember resistance and confusion are usually the face of fear, and what we are working on doing (not alone, but with the Holy Spirit) is releasing all that is getting in the way of our knowing and embracing Truth.

    We asked to experience separateness, we wanted to be able to explore what that would be like. There are infinite ways we can experience separateness, and they might all appear very different (incidents of anger, fear, depression, sickness, death, hurt, war, outrage, scarcity)*, but if we observe them closely and honestly they will all say the same thing: “you are separate."

    *be aware of the cleverness of the mind in creating these experiences of separateness. The mind creates all sorts of props or stage setting to enhance the experience or make it seem “more real.” We can easily become lost in the props or the stage settings and lose touch with the experience we wished to have.

    It seems obvious to me that any experience of separateness will interfere with my experience of Truth (peace, joy, oneness). I am being asked to let go of these distracting experiences as I become more of an empty shell, BUT the experiences of separateness that I wished for don’t go away simply because I want them to. I created these experiences to experience them, and therefore that is what needs to happen. I need to experience them.
    Now--I do NOT need to experience them as the truth.
    As I become more clear my experience might simply be a reflection of my awareness of a negative or separate thought and with the power of the Spirit within me, I might simply decide I do not wish to hold onto or enhance it any and allow it to pass “upward.” 

    Monday, October 31, 2011

    Sunday 10/30/11

    Sunday morning we continued our exploration of 1 Corinthians and its major theme, “Becoming an Empty Shell.”
    Simply put, becoming an empty shell means letting go of all that you think you are so that you can know and embrace who you truly are.
    Ram Dass put it beautifully when he explained, “The moment we are born everyone starts telling us who we are. The problem is none of them know who they are!"

    So we have taken in all these messages from parents, teachers, ministers, even our peers. From all this mis-information, we have formed an identity of who we think we are.

    Now, unless you were raised and taught by a wonderful bunch of enlightened beings, you probably never got the message that “You are the Beloved Son of God; there is only One Son and you are It. Nothing ever happened, nor can ever happen that could separate you from God’s unconditional love. You are not your body, your emotions or your mind. You are so much more than all that. There is not truth to nay of the blame, shame, guilt, unworthiness, or anything else you learned. If you learned anything that is not love, then it is not true because all is love.” (Those are simply words. In truth you don’t really know all that is listed above, you are It.)

    As ACIM points out, we are not learning something new, we are unlearning all that is not true.

    From Chapter 6(p.293) (12-20) An empty shell has let go of everything that seemed to be, but wasn’t. An empty shell has let go of false desires, untrue beliefs, concepts in support of the world and fear. All that an empty shell holds onto is the casing, which will hold onto Me within the world.

    As we become aware of thoughts that do not bring peace and therefore are not true, we begin to release them and let them go. We do not deny them, fear them, or run away from them. We accept responsibility for them, but instead of trying to correct them ourselves, we release them upward to the Spirit so that they may be healed and transformed. See p. 294 (1-7) 10-11

    Just in case you get stuck on this empty shell image, NTI goes not explain that the empty shell does not really exist either. It is simply a metaphor to help us with the process of letting go.

    The piece we focused in on Sunday was what NTI calls “points of experience.” As suggested above we did not simply inherit false ideas about ourselves, we also had experiences of unworthiness, fear, anger, not-enoughness, and other kinds of negative things.
    Now, we are asked in faith and trust to become aware of those experiences and even thought they seem to be painful, to feel them so that they might be released.

    We are reminded to know that only the experience of love is real, and to go even deeper than that, to know that YOU ARE LOVE.

    Suggested reading: Chapter 7 again and Chapter 8 bring any questions. We love questions.
    For those of you who would like to dig deeper into the work of releasing experiences, you might want to check out 2 Timothy.

    Remember who you are!
