Chapter 4
I just love this first paragraph:
(v 1 - 6)1Looking too deeply for the meaning of symbolism is an activity of the thinking mind. 2Analyzing details and searching for meaning is asking the ego to explain images to you. P. 466
Here I am spending my time and energy trying to figure something out, and missing the show. It’s like I find a ticket to Cirque de Soilet in my pocket and instead of watching the show I soend all my time womveringhow the ticket got there. And at theend of the show I still don’t have an answer, but I missed the whole thing.
This lesson is even more powerful for me since I found some of the language in this chapter quite confusing, and spent a good bit of time trying to figure it out and understand it.
After I wrestled with the material for awhile what finally came to me was that I could analyze all the diffent little pieces of illusion, but they would still be illusion.
Anything that seems to tell me I am separate from God, or Truth or Love, is an illusion and needs to be let go of--that’s my ticket--
(14_22) v.3 But when you have left these beliefs behind as tiny wisps of air that are not noticed, you shall see the world differently. From chapter 3 P.466