After all the chatter, all the books, all the workshops, the simple task, the ultimate yearning of our hearts is to be back Home, to be in the Oneness, to live in the continual state of knowing we are unconditionally loved.
Even though I am continually being bowled over by the loving and insightful messages of The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament. I need to be aware that this book, too, is just a symbol.
It’s power lies not in what it says so much, but in reminding us of the Truth that we already know.
And, now, here is the ultimate paradox, to be able to pray as Emily Cadie* did, “God, I don’t know the answer, You do, show me.”
You see, “I” know, but that is still the individual “I” speaking. To know with clarity, to touch and be embraced by Divine Truth, “I” must be no longer (or at least irrelevant). To know Oneness with the Father there can be nothing in the way, not a hint of judgment or separateness.
How can “I” possibly do that? I can’t---but God can. This, again, is surrender. Letting go of knowing (or thinking that I know). Letting go of my attachment to all the methods of enlightenment I have collected over the years.
It is ultimate, complete surrender. As 12 Step recovery recommends,
“I can’t; God can; I think I will let Him.” I would even amend that a bit. Rather than saying, “I think I will let Him,” I would rather pray, “I am open and willing to be guided to Your Truth. I do not know the way or the method. Please guide me, and aid me with the grace to follow.”
Notice that our learning is changing. Blame, guilt, fear, sin and making mistakes are exchanged for gentleness, understanding, choice, and asking for help.
We are becoming more and more aware of our Higher consciousness which observes our little self doing whatever it is doing. Instead of getting wrapped up in the drama, we begin to lovingly ask for guidance from the Spirit (which is our true self) and we move forward with grace.
Instead of letting our little self, who we thought we were, run the whole show, we realize we are more than that, and we can make choices accordingly.
The more we surrender, the more we become who we are.
*Lessons in Truth
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