This book is a compilation of ideas from 2 Corinthians and the following epistles.
Empty shell, willingness, and the power of creation.
As we become more aware of our creative power and accept responsibility for the way we see the world we are encouraged to explore deeper into our motive/purpose so that our creative power is used to enhance the flow rather than resist it.
There is a phrase that comes up several times--”you are the process of creation that is God.”
I would encourage us all to take that thought into meditation. It is not something which can be grasped by the thinking mind. Only the heart will truly understand, but when we are deeply aware of this truth and allow our purpose to be Love, we will be in the space of Miracles.
4Is that which you believe that which you have chosen based upon the foundation of your motive? 5Do you have a foundation without a building, and a building without foundation? (p. 350)
This is a key teaching: (v 1 – 4)1The way you operate in the world is a reflection of your faith and your belief. 2For the way you operate is not action, but the image of the expression of thought.(p. 350)
If we could continue to be aware of this we would realize we are in a continual state of grace.
There is continual focus on the idea that what we see and experience is a product of the mind.
What follows in Chapter 3 is more like a meditation or guided imagery. I would encourage you to quietly sit and meditate with this chapter.
(I am including an imagery suggested by this chapter on the web site: ).
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