Saturday, February 16, 2013


                                                     The Lady or the Tiger?
                                                                    Remember that story?

In this chapter, the choice seems to be the Lady and the baby or the Dragon.
As the Holy Spirit points out--this is all about you, not only is it your choice, but your perception creates the object os of your choice. Nothing is outside you. Nothing/no one is creating the objects of your choice or making the choice for you.

This lesson suggests we have lost touch with this truth. We have come to think of choices as conundrums, traps, stuckness, no-win scenes. "Not true," says the Holy Spirit.
All of this (the world) is your creation so you could experience that which you wish to experience.

"To accept choice as freedom is to reclaim the way to be found."


(v 10 – 12)   1Accepting choice is accepting the way of salvation. 2Accepting choice is accepting how all experience is made. 3In accepting choice, you are accepting that you are experience’s maker, and in doing this, can all previous choice be undone.

We are continually reminded here and in ACIM that we can always choose differently or choose once again.

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